Wednesday 1 July 2015

Training For War

Training for War

This is my story called training for war. My writing goal was to use a graphic organiser. I used a graphic organiser t write this story and it helped me lots. It helped me because it wasn't just in my mind. I had it written down. I worked really hard on this story and I am proud of it.
#chapter 1.
Twenty years ago  I wished I could go to war so I started war school. When you are a teenager you  battle against other people. You needed to have eight years of training. You start at age five. I just needed 1 more year of training until battle. Well I don't need to wait because I’m 12 and just about 13 years old. Tomorrow it is my birthday, aye mum? yes it is said mum. I said thanks. This night is annoying listening to moreporks because I tried to get to sleep.Finally the night is over and it is battle day. I  collect my Sniper knife and gear. I’m ready to go. I’m going to war school now mum. She said, ok bye. Wow! Gosh the battle has already started. I better get ready for battle now! I got my Sniper Rifle out. It took about 7 shot to get 2 people and 8 more people to go.
#chapter 2.

I got the target on that man. He looks older than me because he looks like he's 15. I’ll shoot him...

Oh no he dodged the bullet and he know’s where it is coming from. I’m dead! Ok I might not be dead. There is a bush I can hide in. I said this is a horrible birthday. Only 5 people to go. Someone moved in the bush there he is. I got my target on him BANG!!!
I shot. He is dead and 1 to go. I’ll search for him. There he is he can see me. He has a plasma gun that’s a better gun…
Oh no he saw me…

BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! I got shot by him  He’s dead but I am not.  We got shot at the same time.  Get the phone! “and dial 111”. Where am I?. Mum said in hospital.  I said why? Mum said because you got shot on the arm. Mum said anyway open your presents. I said ok. Mum said open grandma and grandad’s present. Rap! Rap!! Rap!!! Cool a per of binoculars thanks now I can see better. What’s your present mum? Ok well better let you see it Rap! Rap!! Rap!!! cool a phone 2nd thing that I wanted. Rap! rap!! rap!!! Cool a gun thanks.

To Be Continued  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cool story Slater why a war topic Slater.

    From Cannon
